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Web made by Vojtech Svatek

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PatOMat indirectly follows up with the NeOn project, which among other included a major undertaking in the field of ontology patterns. Although KEG (University of Economics, Prague) was not partner in this project, O. Zamazal contributed to a project deliverable during his PhD internship at INRIA, and three among the NeOn partners (INRIA, ISTC-CNR and UPM) closely collaborated with the PatOMat team, including joint publications. One of the implementations of PatOMat services is the XD Transformation Wizard plug-in.

A partially overlapping follow-up of PatOMat is LAAOS, a Czecho-Slovak bilateral project in the MOBILITY program, "Logical Aspects of Adaptable Ontological Schemas". LAAOS, as its name indicates, aims at exploring the formal (esp. description logics) consequences of the logical and transformation pattern types discovered in PatOMat. The main focus of the collaboration has so far been the topic of ontological background models, to which the surface structure of ontologies (or, linked data vocabularies) can be mapped. PatOMat-based trasformation can be straightforwardly applied so as to transform ontologies between different surface representations corresponding to the same background model.

The EU FP project LOD2 represents another follow-up. The PatOMat team continues to explore, in particular, the ontology repair scenario of transformation patterns (in LOD2 WP3) and the impact of logical-structural patterns on linked dataset schema matching (in LOD2 WP4).

A running, thematically related project, with which the PatOMat team plans to further collaborate (through the BHI group in Manchester), in particular on the topic of ontological naming patterns, is SWAT.